Pupil Premium Reporting to Parents

Pupil Premium Reporting to Parents

(Updated Autumn 2019 – reviewed annually)

The Department for Education website states:

  • The Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for FSM (Free school meals) in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who have been in Local Authority care, continuously for more than six months.
  • The Government believes the Pupil Premium, which is additional funding, is the best way to address current inequalities to children.
  • It is for schools to decide how to spend Pupil Premium as they are best placed to assess what is needed. But they are held accountable for how they have used funding to support pupils from low income families.


At Mengham Junior School:

  • We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of the pupils.
  • We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups.
  • We recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals.

At Mengham Junior School each child is treated as an individual and interventions are tracked on an individual basis.



Pupil premium strategy statement

School overview



 School name

Mengham Junior School

Pupils in school


Proportion of disadvantaged pupils


Pupil premium allocation this academic year


Academic year or years covered by statement


Publish date

November 2019

Review date

Spring 2020

Statement authorised by

Edward Harrison

Pupil premium lead

Edward Harrison

Governor lead


Disadvantaged pupil progress scores for last academic year









Disadvantaged pupil performance overview for last academic year



Meeting expected standard at KS2


Achieving high standard at KS2



Strategy aims for disadvantaged pupils



Priority 1

Ensure the frequency and challenge of reading is appropriate for disadvantaged pupils in order for them to make good progress.

Priority 2

Ensure teachers have the skills and resources required to deliver maths in a way that checks disadvantaged pupils secure and retain new knowledge.

Priority 3

Provide support to ensure disadvantaged pupils maintain good attendance and punctuality.

Priority 4

Fund provision that helps to reduce gaps in social and emotional development that may exist due to disadvantaged circumstances (PP Menu).

Teaching priorities for current academic year



Target date

Progress in Reading

Average progress

July 2020

Progress in Writing

Positive progress 0+

July 2020

Progress in Mathematics

Average progress

July 2020


Attendance of disadvantaged pupils


Priority 1 – Reading



Ensuring pupils’ reading is tracked and pitch of book is well informed.

Continue accelerated reader licence and purchase additional AR books to supplement what we already have. Some of English leads time to be used to monitor and target support using data from AR. Class iPads to be purchased primarily for completing AR quizzes.

Frequency of reading is at a good level for all disadvantaged pupils.

Teachers to work with pupils and parents to encourage a good level of reading of a wide variety of books at a good pitch. Where this isn’t sufficient or reading continues to not happen at home, additional reading time to take place 1:1 in school hours.

Projected spending

Total: £25100

Priority 2 – Maths



Internally review maths pedagogy and provide CPD to improve pupils securing and retaining maths.

Maths lead hours and staff meetings to be allocated to developing this.

External support to advise on the quality and effectiveness of the provision being provided for disadvantaged pupils.

HIAS days to be purchased over the year to externally review our provision with this in mind (impacting disadvantaged the most).

Gaps in prior maths learning to be identified and filled.

Additional staff hours provided across the school to either work with small groups or reduce group sizes to target gaps. Specifically focusing on year 6 gaps as they approach the end of the key stage.

Projected spending

Total: £19260

Priority 3 – Attendance



Member of staff to oversee attendance and punctuality on a daily basis. Raising concerns and working with parents.

Home school link worker employed. Her role supports a wide range of issues, Attendance is a big part of this.

Morning minibus pickup to target specific disadvantaged pupils.

Running costs are covered by small fee. 2 x staff costs are covered from pupil premium funding.

Projected spending

Total: £13900

Priority 4 – Social and emotional development



Supporting with nutrition, clothing and equipment.

Staffing cost of breakfast club subsidised. Uniform, PE kit support in exceptional circumstances. Stationery provided entirely by the school.

Supporting with pupil communication, vocabulary and memory.

Pre-teaching of key vocabulary. Helping Harry Learn training for staff. Speech and Language Therapy. Lego therapy. A further member of staff to become ELKLAN trained.

Supporting social and emotional behaviours.

ELSA support. FEIPS support. Read to Dogs. Enhanced transition. Primary Behaviour Service.


Supporting cultural capital and experience.

Prioritise and track for after school club attendance. Support towards trips and residentials in exceptional circumstances. Young carer outings. Priority attendance at sports/curriculum events. Homework Club. Investing in ICT that allows pupils to experience places they cannot visit.

Supporting with mental health and bereavement.

Trick box strategies. MIND. SDAs. Counselling (HYA, Include). Young carers. Training for staff in attachment/trauma.

Projected spending

Total: £41300

Monitoring and Implementation



Mitigating action

Priority 1 – Reading

Termly pupil progress meetings with half termly check ins.

Where progress is not sufficient, actions are put in place.

Priority 2 – Maths

Termly pupil progress meetings with half termly check ins.

Where progress is not sufficient, actions are put in place.

Priority 3 – Attendance

Attendance and lateness is monitored daily by HSLW as well as trends over time.

Actions are put in daily where needed and other staff or agencies are bought in when required.

Priority 4 – Social and emotional development

Mid spring and end of summer review.

Individual pupil provision adapted as needs change.

Review: last year’s aims and outcomes



Reading, writing, maths and SPAG to be in line with non-pupil premium children.

broader curriculum outcomes to be in line with non PP children

The percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching expected standard was less that non disadvantaged in all subjects except reading (which was below national). There was a large overlap between disadvantaged pupils and those on the SEN register.


Non pupil premium

Pupil premium













 Changes to reading and maths approach to be to designed to support common barriers of disadvantaged pupils.

Writing that reflects an understanding and use of higher level vocabulary.

The support of a HLTA each morning as an additional adult supported writing progress. Cluster moderation meetings highlighted that pupils were using higher level vocabulary.

Handwriting and spellings to be improved.

At the start of the year, handwriting was a particular weakness for some pupils eligible for pupil premium. By the end of the year, handwriting had improved and was not a particular weakness for end of year judgements. Small group spelling support and spelling resources ensured progress in this area. Spellings did remain a particular weakness for one child but vast improvements had been made.

Children with social and emotional difficulties will be supported in school.

Pupils eligible for pupil premium had needs identified and the appropriate support put in place.

ELSA evaluations, Boxall profiles and pupil progress meetings used to track and discuss effectiveness of this support.

Young Carers were supported with their emotional and social development by attending fortnightly sessions with Off The Record and in termly extra-curricular activities.

The needs of children with working memory difficulties will be better understood; attention and focus will be improved as a result.

Helping Harry Learn training attended by staff. Strategies from this implemented and reviewed in follow up meetings.

Increased parental engagement of all PP families.

Parents evenings have been changed to incorporate hall full of parent information stalls to get across key information (parents evening attendance is high). Home reading is now being monitored and supported by accelerated reader.

Attendance to be improved for children with low attendance rates.

For two children, home learning to be issued and revision guides.

Attendance for the whole school was 95.85% (including a pupil on a part time timetable). 8.5% of pupils had an attendance of below 90% (down from 12.2% the previous year). Attendance for disadvantaged pupils was 95%. This needs to continue to be a focus to get it up to or above national (96%).