British Values

Promoting British Values at Mengham Junior School

The DfE have reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rules of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”. These values run throughout the school both in our policies and what we do day to day. They are also explicitly present in our Personal Development Learning (PDL) lessons and are discussed regularly.

At Mengham Junior School these values are reinforced in the following ways:



Each year the children in each class work collaboratively to decide a set of expectations in the form of a ‘Class Charter’. These are written and signed by the children and displayed in class.

House captains and vice captains are appointed by children holding these roles previously, staff and governors. On admission to the school, each child and member of staff is allocated to one of our house teams: MacArthur, Ainslie, Nelson and Shackleton. Motivating their team is central to the role of a House Captain.

We have a School Learning Council who campaign and then are elected by their class. These children meet regularly with staff and governors to express the views of all of the children. These views have led to triumphs such as raising funds for our ‘trim trail’. Our children are given the opportunity to discuss the content of the curriculum in order to ensure they are fully engaged and feel an important part of what we do at Mengham Junior School.

The Rule of Law


Pupils are taught from their first day at Mengham Junior School about what is expected of them as pupils in the school through the Behaviour for Learning policy. The children shape the roles and responsibilities they have around the school and apply for positions of responsibility in the school.  These range from classroom monitors to school learning council members and House Captains.



Individual Liberty


At Mengham Junior School children are encouraged to make choices and take risks in a safe and supportive environment. Pupils are encouraged to persevere and be resilient with their attitude towards learning.

We help children assess risk, for example writing a risk assessment for the amphitheater in the school grounds, and involve them in making decisions about school trips.

Children are taught how to keep safe when using the internet during lessons and with events such as E-Safety day where we explored what E-Safety means to us.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs


At Mengham Junior School we welcome and celebrate different faiths and cultures and therefore actively promote and highlight diversity. Through our PDL curriculum, visitors to the school and use of whole school collective worship we help to share information about different faiths and beliefs with all the children and encourage them to reflect on and share their own thoughts and beliefs in a safe and respectful manner. 

The School Learning Council helps children choose where their support is needed most and take into account both local charities and global issues when fundraising. We have been extremely successful in raising money for charities such as Macmillan Cancer Care and Young Minds.