At Mengham Junior School, we strive to be:
- Successful learners
- Healthy and confident individuals
- Responsible members of our community
We aim to make the link between teaching, learning and behaviour as clear as possible. In our school, we believe that teachers have the right to teach and learners have the right to learn. This policy has been put together with input from the pupils, staff and parents and therefore, every member of the school community has a responsibility to see that it is carried out consistently. It will help us to create a positive climate for learning in which everyone can achieve their best and everyone’s contribution is valued.
Our aims are to:
- Create a caring, friendly, happy school where there is respect for all people and property.
- Promote self-discipline through encouraging positive models of behaviour.
- Encourage an open partnership between parents and school in supporting a common behaviour code.
There will be times when children express their feelings and emotions through inappropriate behaviour. Children learn to discover where the boundaries of acceptable behaviour lie as part of growing up.
Rewards and sanctions are displayed around the school on the “Behaviour for Learning Pyramid”. It also forms part of the Home school agreement. Expected behaviours will be taught through good role modelling and will be reinforced through PDL and assemblies.
In order to ensure they understand what is meant by positive behaviour for learning, we will:
Carefully mark and assess work with children, commenting on strengths and areas for development.
Celebrate effort and achievement by taking photos of and displaying work.
Use positivity to engage and motivate pupils.
Share examples of good work with other classes and/or staff.
Meet and greet pupils at the classroom door with a smile.
Insist upon high expectations and model them.
Apply all routines consistently.
Insist upon, recognise and reward punctuality.
Recognise and reward positive behaviour when we see or hear about it, whether inside or outside the classroom.
Many of our rewards are distributed via an App called Marvellous Me. Rewards are given in the form of badges and are then shared with parents who can access the App from their home devices. We endeavour to celebrate children making positive choices with regard to learning and behaviour. These are some of the rewards that maybe received.
- Learning Stars are given for exceptional effort in presentation, in learning or in thinking carefully about answers that are given
- House Points are given for conduct in class and around the school.
- Certificates are presented for completing Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Learning Star charts; homework; spelling success; handwriting; times table achievements, and attendance.
- Work can be shared with Mrs Davies, Mr Harrison or Miss Rowsell.
- We have an Attendance Cup and 10 minutes extra play each week for the class with the highest attendance.
- Mr Fletcher presents a Tidy Classroom Award each week with 10 minutes extra play.
- If the reading challenge (8 books being read over the term) is completed a book of the child’s choice is presented to them each term.
- There are end of term rewards which link to our aims to be successful learners, healthy and confident individuals and responsible members of our community.
Managing disruptive/challenging behaviour
The school has developed a system that ensures behaviour expectations are clear and easily understood. All behaviour expectations are based upon inclusion, common sense, mutual respect, and a desire to work hard and learn effectively in a safe and happy environment.
At Mengham Junior School, there are only consequences to actions. Children are taught that everyone has choices. If someone chooses to misbehave then they will do so in the clear understanding that their action will bring about a consequence. The consequences in our school are simple, easily understood and calmly and consistently applied, and are used in line with school policy.
Behaviour management is an equal and joint responsibility of all adults who work in the school. The key to improving behaviour is to recognise and reward good behaviour when it happens.
Any response to unwanted behaviour needs to be realistic, proportionate to the action and, most importantly, at the minimum level required to effect the changes we want. At all times, staff are empowered to act in accordance with their professional judgement.
Informal Behaviour Management Strategies
We will avoid, where possible, ‘advertising’ the poor behaviour (such as putting names on the board). And instead focus on displaying the behaviour we wish to see instead. This may take many forms and depend upon the relationships that have been developed with pupils. Examples of this include:
Tactical ignoring of unwanted behaviour
The ‘look’
Non-verbal gestures
Shift the focus of the pupil back on to the work in progress
Use positive choices, either…or…
Give time to respond which allows the child not to lose face
Partial agreement can deflect confrontation-when you have…..then you can…….
Proximity praise
Language of choice and consequences
Casual statement or question
Use of the calm zone
Individual ‘safe spaces’
This list is not exhaustive!
There may be time when these strategies are not effective in addressing the behaviour and more formal methods may be required. In these instances any of the following may be applied:
Behaviour management consequences
This system is not hierarchical and major incidents will be addressed immediately by a Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher. Major incidents may include physical assault, stealing, deliberate damage to property, verbal abuse and leaving the school premises without permission.
Those children not following the school expectations at lunchtime will be given a reminder. Should they continue to make the wrong choice, they will spend some time in the school building in their classrooms.
All incidents are logged on CPOMS and a report is printed each month for the Headteachers.
Individual Behaviour Plans
A small number of children will need Individual Behaviour Plans which will be written by the class teacher, sometimes in conjunction with the SENCo, ELSA. This may be necessary if a child is demonstrating that the whole school approach is not effective in supporting their needs. All Individual Behaviour Plans will identify the child’s needs, how they can best be supported and clear strategies to be used when responding to unwanted behaviour. These plans will be shared with the child and parents/carers and reviewed every 4 weeks. All school staff will be made aware of the children who have plans and the strategies being used to support behaviour.
Violent or significantly challenging behaviour
We all have a duty of care towards the children in our setting. This duty of care applies as much to what we don’t do as what we do do. When children are in danger of hurting themselves or others, or of causing significant damage to property, we have a responsibility to intervene. Our priority at times such as these is to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible and to ensure the safety of the child, their peers and the staff. A range of strategies may employed in these situations and these will be based on what we know and understand of the individual child and in consideration of the situation and the environment. In most cases, this will involve an attempt to divert the child to another activity or a simple instruction to “Stop!” along with a warning of what might happen next.
However, if we judge that it is necessary, we may use restrictive physical intervention (please refer to the Restrictive Physical Intervention policy).
If a violent incident has occurred then a risk assessment will be created for that child in order to reduce the likelihood or a similar incident in the future. Staff will keep a record of violent incidents and copies are given to the Headteachers or Assistant Head teacher.
As a school, exclusion is not viewed as a form of punishment. Exclusions will only be exercised when all other behaviour management strategies have failed or when a child continues to pose a risk to their own or others safety. A period of exclusion enables staff to meet with the Headteacher’s to create a risk assessment (for violent behaviour) and to review any existing Individual Behaviour Plans. It also allows children to regulate outside of the school environment. In the event of an exclusion, parents will be required to collect their child from school as quickly as possible. This is in order to reduce the risks to themselves and others. A letter will be provided explaining the reason for the exclusion and the exclusion period. Pupils will be provided with work to do at home upon return to school, parents/carers and the child themselves will be expected to meet with the Headteachers, or in their absence the Assistant Headteacher, for a re-integration meeting. During this meeting, any modified behaviour plans will be discussed and the risk assessment, if completed, shared. The work completed at home during the exclusion will also be collected.
This policy should be read alongside the following policies:
- Anti-bullying Policy
- Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Restrictive Intervention Policy