Science Curriculum at Mengham Junior School
At Mengham Junior School, we strive to provide our children with a rich and exciting science curriculum. Our aim of this curriculum is for children to experience science learning in a way that encourages them to wonder why things are the way they are and allows them to carry out scientific enquiries to gather and analyse evidence to find out. We want to equip our children with the scientific skills and knowledge to secure an understanding of the concepts taught.
This will be achieved by delivering a well thought out progressive curriculum with many opportunities for children to carry out scientific enquiries through investigations, experiments and research to enable them to learn and understand the key ideas within the science curriculum. By planning, carrying out, analysing and reflecting on their enquiries, children will be able to develop the skills they need to work scientifically. To help make our science curriculum an exciting and real-life experience, we use our outdoor environment where possible, visit Winchester Science Centre and conduct hands-on experiments using a range of equipment.
By being learning science at Mengham Junior School, we hope children will have a secure understanding of what science is and the concepts within the subject, preparing them for future learning at secondary school and beyond. By carrying out scientific enquiries and using creativity, we will be supporting children to meet our school’s vision of being successful learners. Learning about their bodies and the importance of looking after them will encourage children to be healthy whilst taking risks and building resilience by finding ways to understand unexpected results or improve accuracy teaches children to be confident individuals. Encouraging respect for our environment and the living things within it will support children in being responsible members of our community.