We always welcome visits from prospective parents/carers and their children and this can be arranged by contacting the school office on 023 9246 2162 or by emailing adminoffice@mengham-jun.hants.sch.uk.
If you do decide to enrol your child/children at our school, we can provide you with all the relevant forms and information when you visit or alternatively, we can send them in the post to you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a query or require further information.
Additional information can be obtained by visiting the Hampshire County Council website. Please click on this link ‘Admissions Team’ to be redirected and choose the Education and Learning heading.
Admissions policy 2023-2024 (This policy will be used during 2023/24 for allocating places in the main admission round for entry to Year 3 in September 2023. It will also apply to in-year admissions during 2023/24.)
Admissions policy 2024-2025 (This policy will be used during 2024/25 for allocating places in the main admission round for entry to Year 3 in September 2024. It will also apply to in-year admissions during 2024/25.)
Admissions policy 2025-2026 (This policy will be used during 2025/26 for allocating places in the main admission round for entry to Year 3 in September 2025. It will also apply to in-year admissions during 2025/26.)