Mengham Junior School: Remote Education Offer

Our remote education has been designed to blend with the curriculum the children would have been completing had they been in school. Our aim is to minimise the disruption for your child’s education and so our remote offer is guided by these principles:
· Our remote education covers the National Curriculum subjects we would expect to be teaching that half term;
· It retains a strong focus on core concepts and skills, especially in reading, writing and maths;
· It covers the same content as would be taught in school;
· It is designed to be inclusive and inspirational with an awareness of children’s emotional needs;
· We aim to provide learning that is as manageable as possible for parents and carers with different circumstances at home.
In the event that your child is required to self-isolate then children learning will be provided for them via Google Classroom.
Each day will consist of an arithmetic task, a maths lesson, an English lesson, a reading activity and a foundation lesson. These will be linked to the learning that is taking place in school in order that when your child returns they are able to continue in the learning journey. Links to teaching videos and learning tasks will be provided.
Children should upload their learning to Google Classroom.
Your child’s class teacher will make contact via telephone twice during the isolation period to check that there are no difficulties with the learning and to provide feedback on the learning that has been uploaded.
Additional support for those with specific needs
As in school, learning will be pitched at an appropriate level for your child. This may mean that their learning is different to others in their class. In order to maintain privacy, each child’s learning is available only to them through Goggle Classroom: your child will not have to select from a range of differentiated tasks to find their own.
Any other support or provision will be discussed with parents individually.
Accessing remote education
We want to make it as easy as possible for your child to learn at home. Wherever possible, we set learning that doesn’t require access to a printer or specialised resources. Access to a laptop is desirable (however learning can be accessed via a tablet or smart phone).
If you don’t have a laptop/tablet for your child to work on please contact us.