Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all children are able to succeed in their learning. Teachers use a range of teaching approaches to ensure children are engaged and make progress based on their starting points. We closely monitor pupils’ progress within lessons and over the course of a unit of work, adjusting lessons and units based on continuous feedback and assessment. Children are taught to work collaboratively and independently. We share child friendly learning objectives in all lessons with the children and these are supported by clear “steps for success” which show the children what they need to do in lessons in order to be successful. These also support self and peer-evaluation and provide a framework for teachers’ feedback.
We believe that it is important to provide a stimulating learning environment that is relevant and personalised for the children at our school. Our classroom environments support all learning and we aim to use our extensive grounds to enhance children’s learning experiences. Health and safety is also of paramount importance and we ensure relevant policies are adhered to. Pupils are active participants in identifying risks and completing risk assessments.
Our children are taught key skills and knowledge through meaningful units of work. For all subjects, year teams plan learning journeys together ensuring the same rich opportunities are provided for all, including visits and trips. Effective cross-curricular links are made where relevant to show our children how the subjects are related.
Our curriculum is designed to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rules of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural development is woven into our curriculum in order to support them become informed, active and responsible members of society.
We are committed to ensuring we understand pupils’ barriers to learning in order that children be supported as effectively as possible to access the curriculum and make progress. Teachers use a range of tools, (for example Hampshire Curriculum assessment tools, the Hampshire Planning Tool, Solent Therapy Resource Pack, external agency guidance, Thrive assessments) to identify gaps and support progress.
Depending on the needs of the year group, some classes will have Teaching Assistants (TAs) to support pupils’ needs. TAs are appointed by the SENCo to support children and this may involve working across year groups and classes to meet the needs of groups or individuals.