Home Learning
At Mengham Junior School, we believe that home learning should:
- Extend and support children’s learning by challenging them at an appropriate level.
- Promote independence by encouraging children to take responsibility for their own learning.
- Be rewarded through the giving of prompt and constructive feedback and the recognition of good work and effort.
- As far as possible, be manageable and enjoyable for children, parents and staff.
- Help children to adopt a positive and resilient attitude to learning that will stay with them throughout their lives.
- Be valued and supported by children, parents and school staff as a means of strengthening links and communication between home and school.
English homework:
- Reading independently or with an adult 5 times a week (minimum).
- Spellings to practice will be set weekly using ‘Spelling Frame’.
- Every term, there is a reading challenge (Read 8 books in a term to receive a free book).
Maths homework:
- Times tables to be practiced 4 times a week using ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’.
- A maths task will be set fortnightly using ‘MyMaths’.
- Reading logs will be signed each week to acknowledge weekly reading. Parent comments responded to where needed.
- MyMaths, Spelling Frame and Times Tables Rockstars give instant feedback to children.
- Teachers will monitor homework websites and support when pupils aren’t being successful.
- Excellent effort will be recognised with house points and learning stars as appropriate.
- Progress with times tables and spellings will be recognised with our certificate system.
Spelling Frame: https://spellingframe.co.uk/
MyMaths: https://www.mymaths.co.uk/
Times Tables Rockstars: https://play.ttrockstars.com/
Home Learning Guidelines (Review Aut 2022)